streaming audio, 223
subdirectories, digital photos storage, 242-246
surround sound, 30-31
SVGA extension cables, 26
System context, 305-306
tabs, Sort By, 103
tags, metatags, 190-191
taskbar, Media Center icon, 69
Telephone Call Notifications setting, 288
Television Settings menu commands, Add
Missing Channels, 100
television. See TV
Test button, 304
Internet connections, 315
network connections, 304-305
adding, digital photos (Microsoft Picture It!),
inserting, remote control, 58
The Web option (Save Movie Wizard), 147
third-party software
games, 340-342
My Karaoke, 339-340
albums, 199
digital photos, 240, 258
digital video, 126-127, 134
My Pictures, 42
time-shifting features, 82
keyboards, 88
mouse, 88-89
remote control
fast-forwarding, 86
full-screen, 83-84
going live, 87
Information Bar, 84-85
pausing, 85-86
replaying, 87
rewinding, 87
skipping, 87
stopping, 87
Tips category (Online Spotlight), 326
titles, adding to video, 144-145
Titles and Credits command (Tools menu), 144
Titles option, remote control searches, 104
TiVo, comparisons, 10-11
toggling closed captioning, 88
toolbar view, 67
toolbars, Transport Controls, 70-71
Tools menu commands
AutoMovie, 148
Narrate Timeline, 146
Titles and Credits, 144
Video Effects, 145
Video Transitions, 144
Toshiba P25 laptop, 350-353
Touch Up control (Picture Details screen),
touching up digital photos (Microsoft Picture
It!), 267-269, 277-278
design, 12
hardware options, 347-348
transferring digital photos, 230
digital camera connections, 231-232
media cards, 233-234
animations, turning on/off, 62
slide shows, 248-249
video, adding, 143-144
controls, My Videos, 131
power and transport features (remote control),
Transport Controls toolbar, 70-71
Trim Handles, 143
Trim Video feature, 176-177
codec errors, 182
Dolby Labs 5.1 (surround sound), 31

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