APPENDIX BOrganizational Development Bibliography


  1. Block, Peter. Flawless Consulting. Wiley, 2011.
  2. Consultants 500 Team. “Top 20 of Best Consulting Books Recommended Most Times.” Consultants 500. Retrieved Feb. 16, 2021, from
  3. Minto, Barbara. The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking. Financial Times Prentice-Hall, 2009.
  4. Schein, Edgar H. Process Consultation. Pearson Custom Publishing, 2000.
  5. Turne, Arthur N. “Consulting Is More Than Giving Advice.” Harvard Business Review (1982).


  1. Baker Miller, Jean. Toward a New Psychology of Women. Beacon Press, 1987.
  2. Gilligan, Carol. In a Different Voice. Harvard University Press, 1982. I encourage you to read her most recent writings as well.
  3. Rosener, Judy B. “Ways Women Lead.” Harvard Business Review (1990). Tannen, Deborah. Talking 9–5. Simon & Schuster, 1994. I encourage you to read any of her books as well.
  4. Wilson, Marie C. “Introduction.” Closing the Leadership Gap: Why Women Can and Must Help Run the World. Viking, 2004.


  1. Boehm, Christopher. Hierarchy in the Forest. Harvard University Press, 1999. I encourage you to read any chapters of interest to you; it's a fantastic book on evolutionary biology.
  2. Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 1990.


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