Accelerated JavaScript Training

Video description

This course will take you on a journey via a hands-on, example-driven JavaScript Bootcamp to guide you through the amazing language of JavaScript. Beginning with the very basics, we walk you through the various characteristics and features

JavaScript offers. JavaScript is one of the most important parts of every modern, reactive, user-friendly web page or application.

What You Will Learn

  • Use JavaScript to write modern, reactive websites
  • Understand how JavaScript works and how to use its many advantages
  • Dive into JavaScript Libraries such as jQuery or frameworks such as Angular 2 or React
  • All you need to know about variables, functions, operators, language features, built-in objects, and much more!
  • In-depth modules on arrays, objects and prototypes, functions, DOM interaction, events, AJAX, and all the other core features that make JavaScript so important


This course is for people who have never touched JavaScript before, everyone keen to refresh their knowledge about specific topics, and those with no prior JavaScript knowledge.

About The Author

Maximilian Schwarzmüller: Maximilian Schwarzmüller: A professional web developer and instructor, he has never stopped learning new programming skills and languages since the age of 13. In his early days, he started creating websites simply for fun. This passion has remained and shaped his decision to work as a freelance web developer and consultant. Although he started web development on the backend (PHP with Laravel and NodeJS), he has progressed to becoming a front-end developer using modern frameworks such as React, Angular, and VueJS 2 in many projects.

The most rewarding experience for him is to see how people find new and better jobs, build exciting web applications, acquire amazing projects, or simply enjoy their hobby with the help of his content.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Getting Started
    1. Introduction
    2. How to Execute JavaScript (Where does JS run?)
    3. JavaScript Versions (ES5 vs ES6)
    4. Course Format
  2. Chapter 2 : Language Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. Using JavaScript - Inline HTML
    3. Using JavaScript - HTML Import
    4. Variables – Basics
    5. Variables - null, undefined and NaN
    6. Variables – Objects
    7. Strict Mode
    8. Dynamic Typing
    9. Hoisting
    10. Functions - Creating and Calling Them
    11. Functions - Arguments Returning Data
    12. Control Structures - If Statement
    13. Control Structures - If Statement Advanced
    14. Control Structures - Switch
    15. Control Structures - Switch Break
    16. Control Structures - For Loop
    17. Control Structures - Nested Loops
    18. Control Structures - Controlling Loops with break continue
    19. Control Structures - For Loop Variations
    20. Control Structures - Looping through Arrays
    21. Control Structures - While Loop
    22. Operators - Addition
    23. Operators - Subtraction
    24. Operators - Multiplication Floating Point Problems
    25. Operators - Division Modulus
    26. Operators - Comparing Values
    27. Operators - Important Rules
    28. Operators - Boolean
    29. Operators - Ternary Operator
    30. Operators - Precedence
    31. Wrap Up
  3. Chapter 3 : Types Scope
    1. Primitive vs Reference Types
    2. Primitive vs Reference Types – Exercise
    3. Global vs Local Scope
    4. Global vs Local Scope – Exercise
  4. Chapter 4 : Arrays
    1. Introduction
    2. Basics Managing Elements
    3. The forEach() Method
    4. Working with Elements: Push, Pop, Unshift and Shift
    5. Working with Parts of an Array: IndexOf, Splice and Slice
    6. Filtering, Mapping and Reversing Array Elements
    7. The Difference between Concat and Join
    8. Reducing Arrays
    9. Wrap Up
  5. Chapter 5 : Objects
    1. Object Basics Literal Notation
    2. Properties "this"
    3. Alternative Way of Creating Objects: Using the Object Constructor
    4. Objects are Reference Types (Refresher)
    5. Object.create()
    6. Prototypes Introduction
    7. Prototypes in Action
    8. Prototypes Summary
    9. Constructor Functions
    10. Constructor Functions Arguments
    11. Object Creation Prototypes Summary
    12. The "this" Keyword and why it might behave strangely
    13. Handling "this" with bind(), call() apply()
    14. Creating Properties with defineProperty()
    15. Important built-in Methods and Properties
    16. Wrap Up
  6. Chapter 6 : Errors Debugging
    1. Debugging with the Browser Developer Tools
    2. Logging Data to the Console
    3. Handling Errors with try and catch
  7. Chapter 7 : Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Closures
    3. Immediately Invoked Function Executions (IIFEs)
    4. Built-in Methods Properties
  8. Chapter 8 : Built-in Objects Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Timers Intervals
    3. Transforming Formats Values
    4. String Functions
    5. The Math Object
    6. The Date Object
    7. Regular Expressions
  9. Chapter 9 : Working with the Window and Document Object Model (DOM)
    1. Introduction
    2. The Window Object
    3. The Location Object
    4. The Document Object and How to Interact with It
    5. Traversing the DOM
    6. Selecting Elements
    7. Selecting Elements with the Query Selector
    8. Selecting Elements - Exercises
    9. Creating and Inserting Elements
    10. Deleting Elements
    11. Elements and Nodes
    12. DOM Interaction Summary
    13. Dialogs
  10. Chapter 10 : Events
    1. Introduction
    2. The Event Object
    3. Event Handlers
    4. Event Listeners
    5. Event Behavior
    6. Event Object Properties
    7. Changing Propagation Order
  11. Chapter 11 : JavaScript and Http Requests (AJAX)
    1. Introduction
    2. Setup and Sending a GET Request
    3. POST Request
  12. Chapter 12 : Libraries, Frameworks and Modules
    1. Introduction
    2. Libraries jQuery
    3. Frameworks
    4. Writing Modular Code
  13. Chapter 13 : Course Project
    1. Introduction
    2. Setup
    3. Fetching User Input
    4. Http Request Setup
    5. Creating a Weather Object
    6. Fetching Handling Weather Data
    7. Displaying Data
  14. Chapter 14 : Course Wrap Up
    1. Wrap Up

Product information

  • Title: Accelerated JavaScript Training
  • Author(s): Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  • Release date: October 2018
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781789957709