Chapter 13: Performing Conditional Analyses
Using parameter queries
Using conditional functions
Comparing the IIf and Switch functions
Up until now, your analyses have been straightforward. You build a query, you add some criteria, you add a calculation, you save the query, then you run the query whenever you need to. What happens however, if the criteria that governs your analysis changes frequently, or if your analytical processes depend on certain conditions being met? In these situations, you would use a conditional analysis; an analysis whose outcome depends on a pre-defined set of conditions. Barring VBA and macros, there are several tools and functions that enable you to build conditional analyses; some of these are parameter queries, the IIf
function, and the Switch
function. In this chapter, you learn how these tools and functions can help you save time, organize your analytical processes, and enhance your analyses.
On the Web
The starting database for this walkthrough, Chapter13.accdb, can be downloaded from this book's website.
Using Parameter Queries
You'll find that when building your analytical processes, anticipating every single combination of criteria that may be needed will often be difficult. This is where parameter queries can help.
A parameter query is an interactive query that prompts you for criteria before the query is run. A parameter query is useful when you need to ask a query different questions using different criteria each time ...