Chapter 14: Fundamentals of Using Access SQL
Understanding basic SQL
Getting fancy with advanced SQL
Using SQL specific queries
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the language that relational database management systems (such as Access) use to perform their various tasks. In order to tell Access to perform any kind of query, you have to convey your instructions in SQL. Don't panic — the truth is, you've already been building and using SQL statements, even if you didn't realize it.
In this chapter, you'll discover the role that SQL plays in your dealings with Access and learn how to understand the SQL statements generated when building queries. You'll also explore some of the advanced actions you can take with SQL statements, allowing you to accomplish actions that go beyond the Access user interface. The basics you learn here will lay the foundation for your ability to perform the advanced techniques you'll encounter throughout the rest of this book.
On the Web
The starting database for this walkthrough, Chapter14.accdb, can be downloaded from this book's website.
Understanding Basic SQL
A major reason your exposure to SQL is limited is that Access is more user friendly than most people give it credit for being. The fact is, Access performs a majority of its actions in user-friendly environments that hide the real grunt work that goes on behind the scenes.
For a demonstration of this, build in Design view the query you see in Figure 14.1. In this relatively ...