Chapter 10

Automatically Editing Data


Bullet Fixing your mistakes

Bullet Replacing data automatically

Bullet Finding unwanted duplications in your data

Correcting an incorrect entry in an Access table is pretty easy: A few clicks, some typing, and voilà — the problem is gone. But what if you need to correct 26,281 records? Manually editing so many records would involve an eternity of clicking and typing and hardly qualifies to end in a victorious “Voilà!”

Fortunately, Access offers some handy, large-scale editing tools you can use to make big changes to your database — all without wearing out your keyboard, mouse, or fingertips.

Please Read This First!

Warning After a heading like that, it cannot be a mystery to you that I think you really need to read this section. Why? Because the fact that you’re reading this tells me you’re a careful person who follows advice and instructions. These traits are the key to managing thousands of records, keeping them accurate and up-to-date, and making the types of corrections I talk about in this chapter.

Why do I sound so serious, all of the sudden? Well, ...

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