3.4. Forms
First impressions are lasting, and developers rely on forms to create an instant bond between their solutions and the user. The forms need to be intuitive, readable, and easy to navigate. No matter how good the data structure is, if the user doesn't understand how a form is intended to work, the solution won't fly.
Some of the new features for forms include the split form, alternating row color, auto resizing, context sensitive filtering, and the date picker (calendar control), bound image controls, edit list items, and subform control enhancement. And, since forms are all about looks, you'll really appreciate the new styles or AutoFormats. Using the wizards, you'll have more than twenty styles to choose from for both forms and reports. Chapter 10 provides detailed instructions for working with forms, so we'll only touch on the highlights here.
3.4.1. Split Forms
The split form begs for an imagination that can test its potential. Simplistically, a split form is half Datasheet view and half Form view, as shown in Figure 3-5. You can scroll or search through the datasheet, click on a record, and the Detail view populates. This is remarkably fast and does not require code.
Figure 3.5. Figure 3-5
The two areas do not have to display the same fields. And you can lock the datasheet to prevent edits. You can also apply some of the nifty new tools for filtering, sorting, ...
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