Chapter 18
This chapter was updated for the 12th edition by the editor. The views of Mr. Gill, as expressed in this publication, do not necessarily reflect the views of the AICPA. Official AICPA positions are determined through certain specific committee procedures, due process, and deliberation.
(i) Executory Contracts as Liabilities
(ii) Credit Balances That Are Not Liabilities
(b) Offsetting of Liabilities Against Assets
(c) Measurement of Liabilities
(d) Disclosures About Fair Values of Financial Instruments
(a) Nature of Current Liabilities
(i) Long-Term Obligations Approaching Maturity
(ii) Short-Term Obligations to Be Refinanced
(iii) Classification of Obligations Callable by the Creditor
(v) Subjective Acceleration Clause in Long-Term Debt Agreements
(b) Kinds of Current Liability
(e) Notes Payable: Trade and Others
(g) Advances from Officers and Employees
(i) Likelihood of Contingencies
(ii) Examples of Loss Contingencies
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