Chapter 5

Checking Your Accuracy


Bullet Checking your math with a trial balance

Bullet Finding and correcting errors

Bullet Preparing a worksheet

Bullet Generating reports from your computerized system

After you close all your journals and do your best to catch any and all errors (flip to Book 3, Chapter 4 for instructions), the time comes to test your work. If you’ve entered all double-entry transactions into the books correctly, the books balance out, and your trial’s a success!

Unfortunately, few bookkeepers get their books to balance on the first try, or the books balance as the result of errors.

This chapter explains how you do a trial balance of your books and gives tips on finding any errors that may be lurking. You also find out how to take your first step toward developing financial reports by creating a worksheet.

Working with a Trial Balance

When you start entering transactions in a dual-entry accounting system, you may think, “This is a lot of work, and I don’t know how I’m ever going to use all this information.” You enter all your transactions, using debits and credits, without ...

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