© CA 2019
J. OrvosAchieving Business Agilityhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3855-4_7

7. Solar Corona Looks in the Mirror

John Orvos1  
Belle Mead, New Jersey, USA
Solar CoronaAdvanced LookMirror MarketingFuture Operating ModelmiR-145 Delivery

Stopping the Dance: Delivery Recognizes the Dance

Linda knew that it was up to her to “stop the dance” that was constantly in play between IT and the business. Linda, who had studied organizational leadership as part of her education, remembered a book she had read years ago called Seeing Systems1. In the book, the author described the relationships among those at the top of an organization, those at the bottom, those in the middle, and finally the customer. Linda realized that the executives (the ...

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