Chapter 5. The Robotlegs context in action

Every Robotlegs project begins with a context. Until the context is instantiated, Robotlegs isn’t up and running. To get your Robotlegs application going, you have to do two things: provide the context with a contextView and ask it to run startup.

Provide the context with a root-view

Every Robotlegs application requires a root-view—an instance of DisplayObjectContainer—which is the view that will be provided to the mediatorMap, so that when child views are added to this root-view they can be automatically mediated (an instance of their mediator is created and provided with the child view that it mediates for).


If your application is non-visual then just provide any-old placeholder instance of Sprite or DisplayObjectContainer.

Example 5-1. MosaicTool: In AS3/Flash, you’ll provide this view as the first parameter of the constructor
public class mosaictool extends Sprite

     protected var _context:MosaicContext;

     public function mosaictool()
         _context = new MosaicContext(this);
Example 5-2. KanbanApp: PersonalKanban.mxml In Flex the context can be initialized with an MXML tag; not having access to the constructor, you’ll provide this view using the contextView property
<WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" xmlns="library://" xmlns:kanban="robotlegs.examples.kanban.*" xmlns:view="robotlegs.examples.kanban.view.*" showStatusBar="false"> <fx:Style source="css/style.css"/> <fx:Declarations> ...

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