The Comparison Operators
The comparison
operators (also called
operators) are used to determine which of two values appears first in
a given order. Like the equality and inequality operators, the
comparison operators return one of the Boolean values
or false
whether the relationship described in the comparison is accurate
) or inaccurate (false
Comparison operators work only with strings
and numbers.
When the two operands of a comparison operator are numbers, the
comparison is performed mathematically: 5 <
10 is true
, -3 < -6
is false
, and so on. When the two
operands of a comparison operator are strings, the comparison is
performed according to character code points, as shown in Appendix B. See Section 4.6.2 in
Chapter 4 for details on string comparisons.
The interpreter will attempt to convert any nonstring or nonnumeric data value used in a comparison operation to the string or number type. We’ll consider the effect of datatype conversions on comparison operations after we discuss the comparison operators themselves.
The Less-Than Operator
The less-than operator takes the general form:
If the operands are numeric, the less-than operator returns the
Boolean true
is mathematically smaller than
5 < 6 // true 5 < 5 // false; they are equal, but 5 is not less than 5 -3 < -6 // false; -3 is larger than -6 -6 < -3 // true; -6 is smaller than -3
If the operands are strings, the less-than operator returns
if ...
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