Chapter 15. Advanced Topics
This chapter collects a variety of advanced ActionScript programming techniques and issues.
Copying, Comparing, and Passing Data
are three fundamental ways to
manipulate data. We may copy it (e.g., assign
the value of variable x
to variable
), we may compare it (e.g.,
check whether x
equals y
), and
we may pass it (e.g., supply a variable to a
function as an argument). Primitive data values are copied, compared,
and passed quite differently than composite data. When primitive data
is copied to a variable, that variable gets its own unique
and private copy
of the data, stored separately in memory. The following lines of code
would, hence, cause the string “Dave” to be stored twice
in memory, once in the memory space reserved for
and again in the space reserved for
name1 = "Dave"; name2 = name1;
We say that primitive data is copied by value because the data’s literal value is stored in the memory space allotted to the variable. In contrast, when composite data is copied to a variable, only a reference to the data (and not the actual data) is stored in the variable’s memory slot. That reference tells the interpreter where the actual data is kept (i.e., its address in memory). When a variable that contains composite data is copied to another variable, it is the reference (often called a pointer) and not the data itself that is copied. Composite data is, hence, said to be copied by reference.
This makes good design sense because it would be ...
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