Enumerating Sessions and Resources

We now want to show you how to use ADSI to do the following:

  • Enumerate a client's sessions and resources

  • Show which users are currently logged on to a server and count all the logged-on users across a domain's PDCs, BDCs, and other servers

Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 machines host two kinds of dynamic objects that you can access with ADSI: sessions (i.e., instances of users connected to a computer) and resources (i.e., instances of file or queue access on a computer). When users connect to a file or a share on a computer, it creates both a session and a resource object. When the user disconnects, these dynamic objects cease to exist.

You can access dynamic objects by connecting directly to the Server service on the machine. Although each Server service has a user-friendly display name that appears in the Computer Management console in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 or the Services applet in the Windows NT Control Panel, each Server service also has a short name that you use when connecting to it with ADSI. For example, Server is the display name of the service that has the short name LanManServer. If you enumerate all the services on a machine, you can use IADsService::DisplayName to print the display name and IADs::Name to print the short name.

LanManServer is an object of type FileService. FileService objects are responsible for maintaining the sessions and resources in their jurisdictions. You can use the IADsFileServiceOperations ...

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