SID Filtering and Quarantine on trusts can only be managed using netdom.exe:
- To enable SID Filtering for a trust, use the following command:
netdom.exe trust TrustingDomain.tld /Domain:TrustedDomain.tld /EnableSIDHistory:yes
Replace TrustingDomain.tld with the DNS domain name of the Active Directory environment that gives access to its resources, and then replace TrustedDomain.tld with the DNS domain name of the Active Directory environment that gains access to the resources.
To disable SID Filtering for a trust, use the following command:
netdom.exe trust TrustingDomain.tld /Domain:TrustedDomain.tld /EnableSIDHistory:no
Replace TrustingDomain.tld with the DNS domain name of the Active Directory environment that gives ...