Searching For Products

In addition to allowing our users to find products by category, we want to give them the option of searching for a product by its name, description, or price range. Instead of making a separate page, let's go ahead and put it right on bazaar.asp for now, as in Listing 7.7.

Code Listing 7.7. Preparing to add the search form
 0: <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> 1: <!--#include file=""--> 2: <!--#include virtual="/pagetop.txt"--> 3: <% 4: set outpostDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 5: outpostDB.Open "outpost" 6: %> 7: <H1>The Bazaar</H1> 8: If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere in the 9: universe! 10:<P> 11:<CENTER> 12:<% 13: set catSet = outpostDB.Execute("select * from baz_categories") 14:%> ...

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