Chapter 10. Capability Case Studies


  • Interoperability is the most critical problem that the industry must solve to realize the benefits of adaptive enterprises that are capable of responding to changing market conditions and opportunities.

  • Semantic Technology is showing great promise in a number of interoperability problem areas ranging from application, data, services, policy, and rules to workplace integration.

  • Standards for ontology-based engineering are now ready for adoption.

  • Web Services need semantics to realize their full potential of automatic service discovery and services composition.

This chapter gives an industry perspective on the growing use of Semantic Technologies in a wide range of applications, including Knowledge Management, Workplace Portals, Database Integration, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and B2B eCommerce. We review where semantic technology is being adopted and what is motivating this adoption.

Throughout the chapter case studies are used to illustrate applications of Semantic Technology. Capability Cases[86] are used to contextualize case studies and to explain solution ideas that either have been or could be implemented with Semantic Technologies.


A Capability Case is the Case for a Capability. By "capability" we mean the potential to deliver business functionality. Case is different from the Use Case meaning of the word "case." It is borrowed from two places. In the Case-Based Reasoning world the word "case" ...

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