
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and table, respectively.


Ablation, 50
Acetal copolymer
adhesives for, 168–169
solvents for, 241–243
Acetal homopolymer
adhesives for, 169
solvents for, 243
Acid–base theory, 12–13
Acid-catalyzed phenolics, 131–132
Acrylic acid (AAc) monomer, 55
Acrylics, 85–86, 249–250
Acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS)
adhesives for, 169
solvents for, 243
4-Acryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-AETA), 289
Adherends, adhesives for, 160
ceramics and glass, 179–180
plastic foams, 177–178
reinforced plastics/composites, 176–177
rubbers (elastomers), 178
thermoplastics, See Thermoplastics, adhesives for
thermosetting plastics (thermosets), See Thermosetting ...

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