
Recordset.Seek Method — (Versions 2.1, 2.5, 2.6)


                     recordset.Seek KeyValues, SeekOptions

The Seek method quickly changes the record pointer to the record in the Recordset object that matches the index provided.


KeyValues (Variant)

Indicates the values that are used in conjunction with the Recordset.Index value to locate a record.

SeekOptions (SeekEnum)

Indicates the type of comparison used when seeking a record.


The Seek method is used with the Index property of the Recordset object. If the current Recordset supports indexes, you can use the Seek method. Check the value of the Recordset.Supports (adSeek) method call to determine whether the current Recordset object will support this method.

The Index property indicates which Index is used with the Seek method. The Seek method’s first parameter, an array of Variant values, should contain one value for each column within the currently used Index.

If the record cannot be found, the record pointer is placed at the EOF marker.


The Seek method can be used only on server-side clients, which are opened with the CommandTypeEnum enumeration value, adCmdTableDirect.

Not all providers support the Seek method.

See Also

CommandTypeEnum Enumeration, CursorOptionEnum Enumeration, Recordset.EOF Property, Recordset.Index Property, SeekEnum Enumeration, Recordset.Supports Method

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