Chapter 7. Editing Voices

Audition’s editing tools make it possible to produce professional-quality audio recordings. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:

  • Split clips and save selections from larger clips.

  • Work with and manipulate speech tracks.

  • Use the Delete Silence feature to automatically remove gaps in an audio file.

  • Use a bus to group the voice tracks together.

  • Add an effect with the Quick Filter.

  • Use the Mixer to pan the tracks in stereo space.

  • Export the completed session as a stereo .wav file.

Getting Started

In this lesson, you’ll work with a series of files and place them in the Multitrack View to create a one-minute radio commercial.

  1. Start Adobe Audition and click on the Multitrack View button ().

  2. If you have not already copied ...

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