Chapter 4
Working with Objects
Understanding layers
Grouping and ungrouping
Cloning and duplicating objects
Transforming objects
Aligning and distributing
Getting used to an unfamiliar interface can be trying. Something as simple as selecting a single object can cause frustration if you do not have a strong background in or an understanding of the way layers and groups work.
In this chapter, you discover how to organize, select, and group your objects in Adobe XD. You also find out how to scale and rotate your objects, as well as align and distribute them evenly.
Getting a Leg Up on Layers
If you are an Adobe Illustrator user, you will recognize that layer features in Adobe XD are very similar. Essentially, layers in XD are meant to help you organize your objects. This makes it easier to select, lock, and duplicate your objects. In this section, you find out how layers work.
Artboards and layers
The best way to explain layers is for you to give it a try yourself. ...
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