Chapter 9
Sharing Your XD Project
Using the Desktop Preview
Recording your prototype interactions
Sharing online
Embedding prototype into Behance
Your prototype exists so that you can test your app or website before you invest lots of money in expensive coding. With XD, you can view your preview on your desktop, as you did in the previous chapter, on a device, with the XD app, or on a share site.
Viewing Your App/Website on Your Desktop
This section might be a review for those of you who follow the chapters in order, but keep reading. The Desktop Preview doesn’t only offer the ability to test and preview your app on your desktop, but it also allows you to create a video of you using your app in the preview mode. This is helpful when you want to show the typical user flow, or when you want to have a demonstration that goes along well with a user story.
You can use your own file or you can use a completed file named BabyAnimalApp-share that is available at
in the XD-Files folder inside of the DummiesCCfiles folder. Just follow these steps: ...
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