Chapter 5

Understanding Color


check Using color in your InDesign layout

check Looking at color controls and models

check Discovering how to use swatches and swatch libraries

Color is an important part of design. Advertisements often rely on color to relay brands or effective messages — think of the package delivery company based on brown or a soft drink company known for its red cans and bottles. Color can enhance your message and, when used consistently, helps create a brand identity. When you use color, you want it to be accurate, whether you’re printing or viewing the color online. In this chapter, you find out some of the fundamental aspects of working with color and the basic instructions on how to prepare documents for printing.

Selecting Color with Color Controls

You have several different color modes and options to choose when working in InDesign. In this minibook, you find out how to add color to drawings with the Color panel. In this section, you use the Color panel to choose colors and apply them to elements on your page. You also discover how to save colors as swatches so you can easily reuse them.

You should use swatches whenever possible because they use named colors ...

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