Chapter 37. Using Adobe ConnectNow for Web Conferencing

During the release of Acrobat 8 and subsequently the release of the Creative Suite 3, Adobe introduced Acrobat Connect and Acrobat Connect Professional. Acrobat Connect and Connect Pro were paid subscriptions for hosting Web conferences in meeting rooms. With Acrobat Connect, you could host meetings for 15 or more participants; with Connect Pro, you could host meetings with up to 2,500 participants.

When Acrobat 9 was introduced, Adobe introduced Adobe ConnectNow, which is part of and designed as a free Web conferencing service to conduct meetings for a maximum of three people. You still have options for using Acrobat Connect and Connect Pro, but these services are still paid subscriptions.

Adobe ConnectNow is just the ticket for independent graphic designers and small ad agencies. Using to enter your Adobe ConnectNow meeting room, you can host meetings in real-time for engaging in meetings with clients, no matter where they are on the planet. And to top it off, Adobe ConnectNow is free!

In this chapter, we talk about using Adobe ConnectNow for hosting and participating in online meetings.

Understanding Real-Time Conferencing

Before we get into using Adobe ConnectNow for Web conferencing, we want to point out one of the outstanding features you find with the design of this service. ...

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