Chapter 7: Creating a Good Image
In This Chapter
Understanding the histogram
Getting ready to correct an image
Making a good tone curve
Editing adjustment layers
Testing your printer
When discovering all the incredible things you can do in Photoshop, you can easily forget the basics. Yes, you can create incredible compositions with special effects, but if the people in your image look greenish, their alien skin tone can detract from the final result. Make it part of your image editing process to create clean images before adding the artsy filters and complex compositions. Color correction isn’t complicated, and by following the steps in this chapter you can produce almost magical results. In this chapter, you see how to use the values you read in the Info panel and use the Curves panel to produce quality image corrections.
Reading a Histogram
Before making adjustments, look at the image’s histogram, which displays an image’s tonal values, to evaluate whether the image has sufficient ...