Chapter 1: Discovering Essential Acrobat Information
In This Chapter
Discovering Acrobat and PDF files
Understanding when to use PDF files
Becoming familiar with the Acrobat workspace and tools
Adobe Acrobat X provides a variety of tools for sharing and reviewing documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF). Adobe Creative Suite applications can create PDF files, and you can also use Acrobat to create PDF files from programs that aren’t part of the Creative Suite, such as Microsoft Word. After you create a PDF file, you can use Acrobat to enhance it by adding interactivity, merging it with several related documents into a single PDF, adding comments or annotations or applying security features that restrict document functions, such as printing, editing, or even opening the PDF file itself.
In this chapter, you find out why you may want to create PDF files and acquaint yourself with the Adobe Acrobat tools and workspace. You see how easy it is to navigate through PDF files with the navigational tools, tabs, and viewing options in Acrobat. In the following chapters of this minibook, you explore how to use Acrobat to create PDF files from documents produced in a variety of programs ...