Chapter 3: Adding Interactivity to PDF Files
In This Chapter
Adding interactive bookmarks
Creating and editing links
Using buttons for easy navigation
Because many PDF documents are viewed online, you should make them easy for readers to navigate. With Acrobat, you can design documents that are easier to navigate than their printed counterparts and that include rich interactive features that simply aren’t available with paper documents.
Rather than making readers scroll through a document to find what they want, you can add links within an index or a table of contents, or you can add links to websites and e-mail addresses. Acrobat also includes bookmarks, which are an interactive table of contents. You can even add buttons that link to specific pages within a PDF document or that cause an action to occur when clicked, such as printing the document. We discuss all these features in this chapter.
Adding Bookmarks to Create Easy PDF Navigation
Users have come to expect documents that involve easy-to-use navigation and ways to quickly find what they need. You can make your PDF documents more user-friendly by adding bookmarks, which are the equivalent of a table of contents that’s always ...