Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques

Book description

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 is more than just the world’s most popular and powerful Web design tool: As part of Creative Suite 4 (which includes Photoshop CS4 and Flash CS4), it’s a key component of an overall Web design workflow that encourages users to rely on all of their applications to seamlessly create graphically rich content for the Web and motion graphics. This information- and image-packed guide lets users get right down to work by providing exact steps for the Dreamweaver CS4 features they’re most likely to need and use, including new features like CSS-based page layout with Absolute Placement objects, Spry datasets for pages built with live data, Spry validation forms for collecting user input, and Spry effects. The book showcases each in a stand-alone tip, complete with a relevant hint or two and helpful screenshot. This is how readers can learn just what they need to know, exploring the program at their own pace to learn  just the features and tools they need.

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents
  4. Chapter One: Creating a Web Site
    1. #1. Collecting Site Content
    2. #2. Defining a Local Site
    3. #3. Organizing a Local Site
    4. #4. Managing Sites
    5. #5. Defining a Remote Site
    6. #6. Uploading To a Remote Site
  5. Chapter Two: Creating Web Pages
    1. #7. Exploring the Document Window
    2. #8. Managing Panels
    3. #9. Using the Insert Toolbar
    4. #10. Creating a New Page
    5. #11. Defining Page Properties
    6. #12. Defining Links
    7. #13. Defining Email Links
    8. #14. Saving Files
    9. #15. Using Blank Page Layouts
    10. #16. Creating Blank Templates
    11. #17. Creating Pages from Other Sources
    12. #18. Creating Pages from Sample Style Sheets
    13. #19. Testing Pages in Live View
  6. Chapter Three: Creating and Formatting Tables
    1. #20. Creating a Table
    2. #21. Importing Data as Tables
    3. #22. Creating Fixed and Flexible Columns
    4. #23. Defining Table Properties
    5. #24. Formatting Cells
    6. #25. Embedding Tables Within Tables
  7. Chapter Four: Using Framesets
    1. #26. Generating a Frameset
    2. #27. Formatting Framesets
    3. #28. Defining Links Between Frames
  8. Chapter Five: Designing Pages with Absolute Placement Objects
    1. #29. Defining AP Objects
    2. #30. Formatting AP Divs in the Property Inspector
    3. #31. Managing AP Divs in the AP Elements Panel
    4. #32. Defining Div Tags for Page Design
    5. #33. Editing Layout Div Tags in the CSS Styles Panel
    6. #34. Using Rulers, Guides, and Grids
  9. Chapter Six: Formatting Text
    1. #35. Apply HTML Tags to Text
    2. #36. Format Text with HTML Attributes
    3. #37. Format HTML Tags with CSS Attributes
    4. #38. Create Class CSS Formatting Rules for Text
    5. #39. Define and Apply CSS Rules
    6. #40. Edit CSS Rules
  10. Chapter Seven: Working with Images
    1. #41. Preparing Images for the Web
    2. #42. Embedding Images in a Web Page
    3. #43. Defining Alt Tags for Images
    4. #44. Editing Images in Dreamweaver
    5. #45. Aligning Text and Images
    6. #46. Creating Image Maps
    7. #47. Placing Photoshop Files in Web Pages
  11. Chapter Eight: Creating and Using Custom Templates and Libraries
    1. #48. Creating Template Pages
    2. #49. Generating New Pages from Custom Templates
    3. #50. Updating Templates
    4. #51. Creating and Placing Library Items
    5. #52. Updating Library Items
    6. #53. Uploading Templates and Library Items
  12. Chapter Nine: Working with External Style Sheets
    1. #54. Creating an External Style Sheet
    2. #55. Attaching an External Style Sheet
    3. #56. Formatting Links with CSS
    4. #57. Defining Page Properties with CSS
    5. #58. Defining CSS for Printable Pages
    6. #59. Viewing Related Files
    7. #60. Working in Split View
  13. Chapter Ten: Collecting Data in Forms
    1. #61. Creating Jump Menus
    2. #62. Embedding Forms Linked to Server Databases
    3. #63. Defining a Form in Dreamweaver
    4. #64. Defining a Form Fieldset
    5. #65. Placing Text Fields and Text Areas
    6. #66. Placing Check Boxes
    7. #67. Placing Radio Buttons
    8. #68. Placing Lists/Menus and File Fields
    9. #69. Using Hidden Fields
    10. #70. Placing Form Buttons
    11. #71. Defining Form Actions
  14. Chapter Eleven: Defining Spry Validation Widgets
    1. #72. Validating Text Field Input
    2. #73. Validating Text Area Input
    3. #74. Validating Checkbox Input
    4. #75. Validating Menu Input
  15. Chapter Twelve: Embedding Media
    1. #76. Embedding Flash Files
    2. #77. Inserting Flash Video (FLV) and Player Skins
    3. #78. Embedding QuickTime Media
    4. #79. Embedding Windows Media
  16. Chapter Thirteen: Adding Effects and Interactivity with Spry
    1. #80. Creating a Spry Menu Bar
    2. #81. Inserting Tabbed Panels
    3. #82. Inserting a Spry Accordion Widget
    4. #83. Inserting a Spry Collapsible Panel Widget
    5. #84. Define a Spry Tooltip
  17. Chapter Fourteen: Using Spry Data Sets
    1. #85. Creating a Spry Data Source Table
    2. #86. Generating a Spry Data Display
    3. #87. Testing and Updating a Spry Data Source or Display
  18. Chapter Fifteen: Adding Interactivity with Behaviors
    1. #88. Choosing Browser Support for Behaviors
    2. #89. Opening a Browser Window
    3. #90. Designing a Pop-up Message
    4. #91. Applying Effects
    5. #92. Deleting Behaviors
  19. Chapter Sixteen: Testing and Maintaining Sites
    1. #93. Defining Check Page Settings
    2. #94. Checking Browser Compatibility
    3. #95. Previewing Web Pages in Device Central
    4. #96. Testing Links Sitewide
    5. #97. Testing Accessibility
    6. #98. Cleaning Up Word HTML
    7. #99. Adding Design Notes
    8. #100. Testing Browsers for Media Support
  20. Index

Product information

  • Title: Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques
  • Author(s): David Karlins
  • Release date: October 2008
  • Publisher(s): Adobe Press
  • ISBN: 9780321618160