Chapter 5. Accessing the Code Directly
Laying the code foundation
Working with the <head> section
Developing the <body> section
Exploring Code view
Working with Live View and Live Code view
Using related and dynamically related files
Accessing the Code Navigator
Consolidating code with the JavaScript Extractor
Dreamweaver Technique: Collapsing and Moving Code
Adding special characters
As far as most designers are concerned, in a perfect world, you could lay out a complex Web site with a visual authoring tool and never have to see the HTML and other code, much less modify it. Dreamweaver takes you a long way toward this goal — in fact, you can create many types of Web pages using only Dreamweaver's Design and Live views. As your pages become more complex, however, you may need to tweak your code in one way or another.
Programmers, on the other hand, are happiest working directly with the code. To accomplish their goals efficiently, coders need a responsive, flexible editor capable of handling a wide range of computer languages. Just how much assistance is required is a matter of personal taste: Some code writers want all the help they can get, with features such as syntax coloring, code completion, and Code Hints, among others. Other programmers just want the editor to stay out of their way.
Dreamweaver tries to give coders the best of both worlds by providing a full-featured editor with numerous options. In addition to the features mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Dreamweaver ...
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