Chapter 7
Animating with the Transform Tool and Properties Panel
In This Chapter
Animating powerfully with the Transform tool
Applying Transform attributes by clicking and dragging or entering numbers
Centering on the center point
Animating border radius, spinning, skewing, scaling, and rotating with the Transform tool
The Transform tool allows you to animate the Skew, Scale, Rotation, Border Radius, and Location of an element simply by clicking and dragging. The Transform tool is located directly to the right of the Select tool, as shown in Figure 7-1.
You can also use the Transform tool to spin elements, which is different from rotating elements (also described in this chapter).
Figure 7-1: The Transform tool.
Transforming with the Transform Tool and Properties Panel
Here’s a handy feature of Edge Animate: Much of what you can do with the Transform tool, you can also do from the Properties panel. While you’re making your animation, you may want to switch back and forth between ...
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