Chapter 11
Using the Elements Panel
In This Chapter
Using the Elements panel to organize and work with elements
Using the Timeline in conjunction with the Elements panel
The Elements panel is located in the top-right corner of the screen. You can do a number of things from the Elements panel, including selecting elements, opening actions for an element, setting the visibility of an element, locking an element, and nesting one element into another element. You can also name, or label, elements from the Elements panel.
The Elements panel remains empty until you create your first element, such as a text box or a rectangle, or you import an image. However, you can always see the Stage in the Elements panel.
Operating in the Elements Panel
The Elements panel provides a useful means to help organize and work with elements. From the Elements panel, you can do several things:
Add actions
Set visibility
Lock elements
Nest elements
The Elements panel updates along with the Timeline and vice ...
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