Chapter 13
Creating a Project Structure
In This Chapter
Automating the project structure
Editing files
Structuring folders and files for use with other software
Adobe Edge Animate provides the means for you to create animations for the web, for use with InDesign and Muse, and for tools like Apple’s iBooks Author. You can save your compositions in any number of ways, depending on how you set your publishing settings.
In this chapter, I discuss the folder structure that Edge Animate creates and the files within those folders. I make these explanations worthwhile by explaining what you can do with all these files.
Understanding the Files Edge Animate Creates
When you save your Adobe Edge Animate project, the software creates several different files and folders. In addition to a special folder for your images, Edge Animate creates an edge_includes
folder. I cover all these folders here in this section along with details about the different files that Edge Animate creates.
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