Chapter 23
Ten Online Resources
In This Chapter
Finding tools
Expanding skills
Staying in touch
As you’ve no doubt noticed, you can find URLs to useful websites throughout this book; all can lead you to very handy information that you can use with your Adobe Edge Animate CC project. Some of the URLs point to websites, such as Adobe, where you can access the different software in the Creative Cloud. Other URLs point you in the direction of fonts that you can use in your Edge Animate project. Then there are the educational URLs that send you to API references, the W3C, and other informative sites.
I’ve grouped all of these URLs into one comprehensive chapter and grouped them into ten sections for easy reference. This includes finding a web host, a content management system, and FTP software, all of which is invaluable in getting your project online.
Last, I provide two links that I hope you consider visiting. These are links to my Adobe Edge Animate CC For Dummies Facebook page and Twitter account. I plan to keep these accounts running for as long as there’s an active audience. I’d love to hear from you and see what kinds of projects you conjure up after reading this book.
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