Appendix B. Menu by Menu

Adobe Edge Animate Preview 7: The Missing Manual is full of details, explanations, and examples. This appendix provides quick thumbnail descriptions of every command in every menu.


Adobe is frequently updating the Edge Animate Preview program, so it’s possible some of these menu commands may not match your version. You can always find the most recent version of Animate at


The File menu commands work on your Animate projects as a whole. Use the File menu for major events like starting a new project, opening a file you created previously, and adjusting Animate’s publishing settings.


Windows: Ctrl+N

Mac: ⌘-N

The new command creates a new, empty HTML document, complete with a new Animate stage and timeline. Animate uses the stage settings from your previous project, but you can always make changes to stage properties such as dimensions and background color. Just adjust the settings in the Properties panel.


Windows: Ctrl+O

Mac: ⌘-O

Opens the standard dialog box where you can navigate through your folders and select Animate Files. Use the Open command to quickly find and then open files in Animate.

Open Recent

Leads to a submenu that shows a list of the last 10 Animate project (.edge) files that you opened and saved. Click a file name to open the Animate project.


Windows: Ctrl+W

Mac: ⌘-W

Closes the active Animate project. If you made changes to the project, Animate asks if you want to save it before closing.

Close All

Windows: Ctrl+Alt+W ...

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