Chapter 33. Managing and Troubleshooting Flash Movies


  • Controlling code hints and syntax coloring

  • Organizing and editing code

  • Using the Output panel

  • Knowing the Flash Debugger panel

  • Assigning breakpoints

  • Debugging a Flash movie remotely

  • External code files

  • Troubleshooting guidelines

Is there anything worse than sitting at your computer, scratching your head, utterly frustrated because something won't work as planned? Chances are it is something really minor. This chapter focuses on tools, methods, and techniques you can use to fix these sorts of problems.

Many problems can occur while you are creating your movie. ActionScript errors, movie structure and design components, and external technologies, such as XML and server-side processes, may cause problems. Debugging your Flash document can seem like an overwhelming task, but with the right tools, it's not as daunting. In this chapter, we review a few tools that can help you. At the end of the chapter you find a good practices list, troubleshooting guidelines, and testing matrices that you can use to sort out common issues and problems that often occur when you are developing with Flash.


This chapter discusses techniques to optimize and debug ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0 Flash content. Refer to the Flash ActionScript 3 Bible (Wiley) and the Flash CS3 Help panel for more information about debugging ActionScript 3.0 content.

Customizing the Actions Panel

The Actions panel and Script editor in Flash CS3 is the primary place for adding ...

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