global variables 45
gradients 299
graphics, loading 285
greater-than operator 64, 133
operator 133
grouping display objects 255
groups, in regular expressions 196
Hardware scaling 262
hashes 152, 153
hoisting 46
hours property 124
HTML text
and CSS 363
displaying 358
htmlText property 358
HTTP tunneling 473
i flag (in regular expressions) 199
id3 property 554
IDataInput and IDataOutput
interfaces 472
identifiers 38
IEventDispatcher interface 98, 239,
if statement 69
if..else statement 69
ignore flag in regular expressions 200
ignoreCase property of regular
expressions 199
applying blending modes 277
defining in Bitmap class 251
filtering example 338
loading 285
security 553
in text fields 358
checking availability 501
composition events 504
manipulating in Flash Player 500
IME conversion mode
determining 501
setting 502
img tag in text fields, security 549
implicit type conversion 55
import statement 37
importing SWF files 557
incrementing values 66
index positions in strings 133
indexed arrays 145
indexOf() method 135
inequality (!=) operator 133
infinity 54
defined 101
fixed property 112
instance properties 102
static properties 106
init event 232
input text fields 356
instance methods 93
instance properties
declaring 87
inheriting 102
instance variables 91
instanceof operator 51
instances, creating 18
int class, casting 56
int data type 53
InteractiveObject class 252
about 98
defining 99
extending 100
implementing in a class 100
internal attribute 37, 39, 89
intersection() method 312
intersects() method 312
IPv6 462
is operator 51, 99
isDefaultPrevented() method 235
isNaN() global function 47
iterating though arrays 153
Java socket server 473
join() method 151
JPG graphics 285
key codes 452
keyboard input, capturing 451
keyboard security 560
keys, string 152
keywords 62
landscape printing 513
lastIndexOf() method 135
layering, rearranging 292
left bracket 191
left parenthesis 191
left-associative operators 64
length property
arguments object 79
Array class 148
strings 132
less-than operator 64, 133
less-than-or-equal operator 133
level property 242
lexical environment 83
lineGradientStyle() method 299
listeners. See event listeners
literal values
about 60
array literals 60, 146
object 152
little-endian byte order 472
load progress 286
load() method (Loader class) 286,
542, 546
load() method (Sound class) 542, 546,
549, 556
load() method (URLLoader
class) 463, 546
load() method (URLStream
class) 546, 556
loadBytes() method 286, 542
loaded media, accessing as data 553
Loader class 285, 546, 554, 557
LoaderContext class 286, 548, 554
LoaderContext object 542
LoaderInfo class
display object access 552
monitoring loading progress 285
loaderInfo property 286
loading context 286
loading graphics 285
loadPolicyFile() method 546
local storage 475
local variables 45
LocalConnection class
about 467
connectionName parameter 471
permissions 558
restricted 546

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