Developer Guide
var soapNS:Namespace = message.namespace("soap");
trace(soapNS); // Output:
var wNS:Namespace = new Namespace("w", "");
var encodingStyle:XMLList = message.@soapNS::encodingStyle;
var body:XMLList = message.soapNS::Body;
message.soapNS::Body.wNS::GetWeatherResponse.wNS::tempurature = "78";
The XML class includes the following methods for working with namespaces: addNamespace(),
inScopeNamespaces(), localName(), name(), namespace(), namespaceDeclarations(),
removeNamespace(), setLocalName(), setName(), and setNamespace().
default xml namespace directive lets you assign a default namespace for XML objects. For example, in the
following, both
x1 and x2 have the same default namespace:
var ns1:Namespace = new Namespace("");
default xml namespace = ns1;
var x1:XML = <test1 />;
var x2:XML = <test2 />;
XML type conversion
You can convert XML objects and XMLList objects to String values. Similarly, you can convert strings to XML objects
and XMLList objects. Also, keep in mind that all XML attribute values, names, and text values are strings. The
following sections discuss all these forms of XML type conversion.
Converting XML and XMLList objects to strings
The XML and XMLList classes include a toString() method and a toXMLString() method. The toXMLString()
method returns a string that includes all tags, attributes, namespace declarations, and content of the XML object. For
XML objects with complex content (child elements), the
toString() method does exactly the same as the
toXMLString() method. For XML objects with simple content (those that contain only one text element), the
toString() method returns only the text content of the element, as the following example shows:
var myXML:XML =
<item id='1' quantity='2'>
// <menuName>burger</menuName>
// burger
If you use the trace() method without specifying toString() or toXMLString(), the data is converted using the
toString() method by default, as this code shows:
Developer Guide
var myXML:XML =
<item id='1' quantity='2'>
// burger
When using the trace() method to debug code, you will often want to use the toXMLString() method so that the
trace() method outputs more complete data.
Converting strings to XML objects
You can use the new XML() constructor to create an XML object from a string, as follows:
var x:XML = new XML("<a>test</a>");
If you attempt to convert a string to XML from a string that represents invalid XML or XML that is not well formed,
a run-time error is thrown, as follows:
var x:XML = new XML("<a>test"); // throws an error
Converting attribute values, names, and text values from strings
All XML attribute values, names, and text values are String data types, and you may need to convert these to other
data types. For example, the following code uses the
Number() function to convert text values to numbers:
var myXML:XML =
var total:XML = <total>0</total>;
for each (var item:XML in myXML.item)
{[0] = Number([0])
+ Number(item.price.children()[0]);
trace(; // 4.35;
If this code did not use the Number() function, the code would interpret the + operator as the string concatenation
operator, and the
trace() method in the last line would output the following:

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