Book description

LiveCycle Data Services ES provides a set of services that lets you connect a client-side application to server-side data, and pass data among multiple clients connected to the server. LiveCycle Data Services ES synchronizes data sharing among clients, performs data push and data conflict management, and implements real-time messaging between clients.

Table of contents

  1. Part 1: Getting Started with Live Cycle Data Services
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction to LiveCycle Data Services ES
      1. LiveCycle Data Services ES overview
      2. LiveCycle Data Services ES features
      3. Example LiveCycle Data Services ES applications
    2. Chapter 2: Building and deploying LiveCycle Data Services ES applications
      1. Setting up your development environment
      2. Running the LiveCycle Data Services ES sample applications
      3. Building your client-side application (1/2)
      4. Building your client-side application (2/2)
      5. Building your server-side application
      6. Debugging your application
      7. Deploying your application
  2. Part 2: LiveCycle Data Services Architecture
    1. Chapter 3: LiveCycle Data Services ES architecture
      1. LiveCycle Data Services ES client architecture
      2. LiveCycle Data Services ES server architecture
      3. About configuration files (1/2)
      4. About configuration files (2/2)
    2. Chapter 4: Channels and endpoints
      1. About channels and endpoints
      2. Configuring channels with servlet-based endpoints (1/2)
      3. Configuring channels with servlet-based endpoints (2/2)
      4. Configuring channels with NIO-based endpoints (1/3)
      5. Configuring channels with NIO-based endpoints (2/3)
      6. Configuring channels with NIO-based endpoints (3/3)
      7. Channel and endpoint recommendations
      8. Using LiveCycle Data Services clients and servers behind a firewall
    3. Chapter 5: Managing session data
      1. FlexClient, MessageClient, and FlexSession objects
      2. Using the FlexContext class with FlexSession and FlexClient attributes
      3. Session life cycle
    4. Chapter 6: Data serialization
      1. Serializing between ActionScript and Java
      2. Serializing between ActionScript and web services (1/2)
      3. Serializing between ActionScript and web services (2/2)
  3. Part 3: RPC Services
    1. Chapter 7: Using HTTP and web services
      1. RPC components
      2. RPC components versus other technologies
      3. Using destinations
      4. Defining and invoking a service component
      5. Handling service events
      6. Passing parameters to a service
      7. Handling service results (1/2)
      8. Handling service results (2/2)
      9. Using capabilities specific to WebService components
      10. Handling asynchronous calls to services
    2. Chapter 8: Using the Remoting Service
      1. RemoteObject component
      2. Configuring a destination
      3. Calling a service
      4. Handling events
      5. Passing parameters
      6. Handling results
      7. Accessing EJBs and other objects in JNDI
  4. Part 4: Messaging Service
    1. Chapter 9: Using the Messaging Service
      1. Using the Messaging Service
      2. Working with Producer components
      3. Working with Consumer components
      4. Using a pair of Producer and Consumer components in an application
      5. Message filtering
      6. Configuring the Messaging Service
    2. Chapter 10: Connecting to the Java Message Service (JMS)
      1. About JMS
      2. Configuring the Messaging Service to connect to a JMSAdapter
  5. Part 5: Data Management Service
    1. Chapter 11: Introducing data management
      1. About the Data Management Service
      2. Key concepts of data management
    2. Chapter 12: Data Management Service clients
      1. Creating a Data Management Service client
      2. Working with managed objects on the client
      3. Handling errors
      4. Routing data messages
      5. Mapping client-side objects to Java objects
      6. Handling data synchronization conflicts
    3. Chapter 13: Data Management Service configuration
      1. About Data Management Service configuration
      2. Understanding data management adapters
      3. About Data Management Service destinations
      4. General Data Management Service configuration
    4. Chapter 14: Custom assemblers
      1. Using custom assemblers
      2. The Assembler interface approach (1/2)
      3. The Assembler interface approach (2/2)
      4. The fill-method approach
      5. Detecting changes to fill results
      6. Using property specifiers
    5. Chapter 15: Standard assemblers
      1. The SQL assembler
      2. The Hibernate assemblers (1/3)
      3. The Hibernate assemblers (2/3)
      4. The Hibernate assemblers (3/3)
    6. Chapter 16: Hierarchical data
      1. About hierarchical data
      2. The managed association approach
      3. The query approach
      4. Managing class hierarchies
    7. Chapter 17: Data paging
      1. Client-to-server paging
      2. Server-to-data-source paging
      3. Association property loading
    8. Chapter 18: Advanced data handling
      1. Caching data locally and offline
      2. Pushing data changes from the server to clients
  6. Part 6: Administering LiveCycle Data Services ES Applications
    1. Chapter 19: Logging
      1. Client-side logging
      2. Server-side logging
      3. Monitoring and managing services
    2. Chapter 20: Security
      1. Securing LiveCycle Data Services ES
      2. Configuring security
      3. Basic authentication
      4. Custom authentication
      5. Passing credentials to a proxy service
      6. Whitelist and blacklist filtering with NIO endpoints
    3. Chapter 21: Clustering
      1. Server clustering
      2. Handling channel failover
      3. Cluster-wide message and data routing
      4. Configuring clustering
    4. Chapter 22: Integrating Flex applications with portal servers
      1. Using a portal server
      2. Deploying on a portal server
  7. Part 7: Additional Programming Topics
    1. Chapter 23: Run-time configuration
      1. About run-time configuration
      2. Configuring components with a bootstrap service
      3. Configuring components with a remote object
      4. Using assemblers with run-time configuration
      5. Accessing dynamic components with a Flex client application
    2. Chapter 24: The Ajax client library
      1. About the Ajax client library
      2. Using the Ajax client library
      3. Ajax client library API reference (1/2)
      4. Ajax client library API reference (2/2)
    3. Chapter 25: Extending applications with factories
      1. The factory mechanism
    4. Chapter 26: Message delivery with adaptive polling
      1. Adaptive polling
      2. Using a custom queue processor
    5. Chapter 27: Measuring message processing performance
      1. About measuring message processing performance
      2. Measuring message processing performance (1/2)
      3. Measuring message processing performance (2/2)
    6. Chapter 28: Generating PDF documents
      1. About the PDF generation feature
      2. Using the PDF generation feature

Product information

  • Author(s): Adobe Systems
  • Release date: January 2008
  • Publisher(s): Adobe Systems
  • ISBN: 00120090009SI