8. Working with Type
What You’ll Do
Use Type Tools
Create Type
Create Area and Path Type
Modify Type on a Path
Import Text
Select Type
Copy or Move Type
Work with Overflow Type
Change Fonts and Font Size
Lead, Kern, and Track Type
Scale and Rotate Type
Format Type
Anti-alias Type
Align Paragraphs
Indent and Space Paragraphs
Set Tabs
Work with Hyphenation
Work with Type Styles
Use Smart Punctuation
Work with Glyphs and OpenType Fonts
Work with Justification
Wrap Type Around an Object
Create Type Outlines
Illustrator comes with 6 different type tools: Type, Area Type, Type on a Path, Vertical Type, Vertical Area Type, and Vertical Type on a Path. Three of the tools are used for horizontal type and the other three are used for vertical ...
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