Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 A-Z

Book description

Visual guide for all levels focusing on the key tools/effects.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Foreword
  6. Introduction
  7. How to use this book
  8. Step by Step Techniques
    1. 01 Importing photos into Elements
    2. 02 Changing brightness
    3. 03 Adjusting contrast
    4. 04 Removing color casts
    5. 05 Sharpening
    6. 06 Speeding up Elements
    7. 07 Incorporating texture
    8. 08 Tinting and toning pictures
    9. 09 Cropping your photos
    10. 10 Creating panoramas
    11. 11 Convert color to black and white
    12. 12 Color management
    13. 13 Simple line frame
    14. 14 E-mail photos
    15. 15 Elements’ animations
    16. 16 Web matting
    17. 17 Managing your photos
    18. 18 Adding color to black and white
    19. 19 Recreating motion
    20. 20 Vignetting
    21. 21 Selection techniques
    22. 22 Layer masks
    23. 23 The Liquify filter
    24. 24 Compositing
    25. 25 Retouching marks and blemishes
    26. 26 Elements’ brushes
    27. 27 Rough frames
  9. A–Z Entries
    1. A
      1. Accented Edges filter
      2. Active layer
      3. Add Noise filter
      4. Adjust Backlighting
      5. Adjust Color Curves
      6. Adjust Sharpness
      7. Adjust Skin tones
      8. Adjust Smart Fix
      9. Adjustment layers
      10. Adobe Camera Raw – camera updates
      11. Adobe RGB
      12. Advanced Blending
      13. Aliasing
      14. Align
      15. Aligning type
      16. Angle gradient tool
      17. Angle option – Brush
      18. Angled Strokes filter
      19. Animated GIF
      20. Anti-aliasing, fonts
      21. Anti-aliasing, selections
      22. Arrange
      23. Arrangement menu
      24. Arrowhead options
      25. Artwork and Effects palette
      26. Artwork and Effects palette – Artwork
      27. Artwork and Effects palette – Favorites
      28. Artwork and Effects palette – Special Effects
      29. Artwork and Effects palette – Text
      30. Artwork and Effects palette – Themes
      31. Aspect ratio
      32. Assign color profile
      33. Attach to E-mail
      34. Auto Color Correction
      35. Auto Contrast
      36. Auto Erase, Pencil
      37. Auto Fix Window
      38. Auto image edits
      39. Auto Levels
      40. Auto Select Layer
      41. Auto Stacking – creating
      42. Auto Smart Fix
      43. Automation Tools
    2. B
      1. Background color
      2. Background Eraser tool
      3. Background layer
      4. Background matting
      5. Backup
      6. Backup – multiple discs
      7. Backup-multi-session
      8. Backup – verify
      9. Bas Relief filter
      10. Batch Processing
      11. Batch Rename
      12. Bicubic interpolation
      13. Bicubic – Sharper interpolation
      14. Bicubic – Smoother interpolation
      15. Bilinear interpolation
      16. Bitmap color mode
      17. Bitmap images
      18. Black and white points
      19. Black and white photos, creating
      20. Blending modes
      21. Bloat tool, Liquify filter
      22. Blur filters
      23. Blur tool
      24. Bounding box, Move tool
      25. Borders, printing
      26. Brightness/Contrast
      27. Bring Forward
      28. Bring to Front
      29. Browse Folders
      30. Brush Options
      31. Brush Tool
      32. Brushes library
      33. Burn, backup
      34. Burn to Disc
      35. Burn tool
    3. C
      1. Calibrate monitor
      2. Cancel button
      3. Canvas
      4. Canvas Size
      5. Caption, adding to multiple files
      6. Caption, description field renamed
      7. Captions
      8. Card, greetings
      9. Card, postcard
      10. Cascade windows
      11. Catalog
      12. Chalk & Charcoal filter
      13. Change Layer Content
      14. Charcoal filter
      15. Chrome filter
      16. Clear blending mode
      17. Clear, memory
      18. Clipboard
      19. Clone Stamp tool
      20. Close, Close All
      21. Clouds filter
      22. Collections
      23. Collection group
      24. Collections pane
      25. Collections, order
      26. Color, Quick Fix Editor
      27. Color blending mode
      28. Color Burn blending mode
      29. Color Cast, removal
      30. Color depth
      31. Color Dodge blending mode
      32. Color Halftone filter
      33. Color modes
      34. Color Settings, 2.0/3.0
      35. Color Settings, 4.0/5.0
      36. Color temperature
      37. Color Variations
      38. Colored Pencil filter
      39. Commit button
      40. Compression
      41. Connect to Camera or Scanner
      42. Constrain Proportions
      43. Contact Book
      44. Contact Book, auto populate
      45. Contact Book, export
      46. Contact Sheet
      47. Conté Crayon filter
      48. Context help
      49. Context menus
      50. Contiguous option
      51. Continuous tone image
      52. Contract, selection
      53. Contrast, image
      54. Convert to Black and White
      55. Convert to 8 Bits/Channel
      56. Convert to Profile
      57. Cookie Cutter tool
      58. Copy command
      59. Copy Merged command
      60. Correct Camera Distortion
      61. Craquelure filter
      62. Crooked photos, fixing
      63. Crop command
      64. Crop confirmation
      65. Crop marks, printing
      66. Crop presets
      67. Crop tool
      68. Crop Tool, changes
      69. Crosshatch filter
      70. Cursor tips
      71. Cursors, tool pointer
      72. Custom filter
      73. Custom Shape tool
      74. Cut command
      75. Cutout filter
    4. D
      1. Darken blending mode
      2. Date, changing
      3. Date View
      4. Define Brush
      5. Define Pattern
      6. Defringe
      7. De-interlace filter
      8. Delete, layers
      9. Delete selection
      10. Desaturate
      11. Deselect
      12. Desktop Wallpaper, set as
      13. Despeckle filter
      14. Diamond gradient
      15. Difference blending mode
      16. Difference Clouds filter
      17. Diffuse filter
      18. Diffuse Glow filter
      19. Directional option, Lighting Effects filter
      20. Displace filter
      21. Displacement maps
      22. Dissolve blending mode
      23. Distorting a layer
      24. Distribute
      25. Divide scanned photos
      26. Document size
      27. Dodge tool
      28. DPI (dots per inch)
      29. Duplicate image
      30. Duplicate Layer
      31. Dust & Scratches filter
      32. DVD menu templates, editing
    5. E
      1. Edit in Progress
      2. Effects
      3. Effects, Hide All
      4. Effects palette
      5. Effects, Scale
      6. Eight-bit
      7. Elliptical Marquee tool
      8. E-mail contacts
      9. E-mailing pictures
      10. E-mail to Mobile Phone
      11. Embed color profile
      12. Emboss filter
      13. Eraser tool
      14. Event, add Date View
      15. Exclusion blending mode
      16. EXIF data
      17. Exit command
      18. Expand selection
      19. Export
      20. Export Collection
      21. Extrude filter
      22. Eyedropper tool
    6. F
      1. Facet filter
      2. Faux fonts
      3. Feather commandr
      4. File Browser
      5. File Association
      6. File extensions
      7. File format
      8. File Info command
      9. Fill command
      10. Fill Flash
      11. Fill layers
      12. Film Grain filter
      13. Filter Gallery
      14. Filters
      15. Filters palette
      16. Find
      17. Find All Stacks
      18. Find All Version Sets
      19. Find by Details (Metadata)
      20. Find by Visual Similarity
      21. Find Edges filter
      22. Find faces for tagging
      23. Fixed Size option
      24. Flatten Image
      25. Flipbook
      26. Flip Layer Horizontal
      27. Flip Horizontal
      28. Flip Layer Vertical
      29. Flip Vertical
      30. Focus tools
      31. Folder View
      32. Fonts, selecting
      33. Font size
      34. Font styles and families
      35. Fonts WYSIWYG
      36. Foreground color
      37. Fragment filter
      38. Frame, select a
      39. Frame and photo editing
      40. Frame layers
      41. Frame From Video command
      42. Frame – adjusting images in
      43. Free Rotate Layer
      44. Free Transform command
      45. Freehand selection
      46. Full Screen view
    7. G
      1. Gaussian Blur Filter
      2. Get Photos
      3. General Fixes (Quick Fix)
      4. GIF format
      5. Glowing Edges filter
      6. Gradient Editor
      7. Gradient Map adjustment layer
      8. Gradient Map filter
      9. Gradients
      10. Grain filter
      11. Graphic Pen filter
      12. Graphics Tablet
      13. Grayscale images
      14. Grayscale mode
      15. Grid
      16. Group with Previous command
      17. Grow, selection
    8. H
      1. Halftone Pattern filter
      2. Hand tool
      3. Hardness option
      4. Hard Light blending
      5. Hard Mix blending mode
      6. Help
      7. Healing Brush tool
      8. Hiding palettes
      9. Hiding/Showing layers
      10. High Pass filter
      11. Hints
      12. Hints palette
      13. Histogram
      14. History states
      15. Horizontal Type tool
      16. How To palette
      17. Hue blending mode
      18. Hue/Saturation adjustment layer
      19. Hue/Saturation, adjust
    9. IJK
      1. ICC profiles
      2. Image Interpolation
      3. Image Size command
      4. Image Space, color management
      5. Import command
      6. Impressionist Brush tool
      7. Indexed Color mode
      8. Individual Prints
      9. Info palette
      10. Ink Outlines filter
      11. Invert adjustment layer
      12. Invert filter
      13. JPEG format
      14. JPEG2000
    10. L
      1. Labels, print
      2. Lasso tools
      3. Last filter, reapply
      4. Layer clipping group
      5. Layer Content Options
      6. Layer From Background
      7. Layer highlights
      8. Layer linking
      9. Layer mask
      10. Layer opacity
      11. Layers palette
      12. Layer Smart Object
      13. Layer Smart Object, Graphics
      14. Layer Smart Object, Frame layers
      15. Layer styles
      16. Layer styles – customize
      17. Layer via Copy
      18. Layer via Cut
      19. Layers
      20. Layout, select a
      21. Leading, type
      22. Lens Flare filter
      23. Levels command
      24. Lighten blending mode
      25. Lighting Effects filter
      26. Lighting, Quick Fix Editor
      27. Linear Burn blending mode
      28. Linear Dodge blending mode
      29. Linear Gradient tool
      30. Linear Light blending mode
      31. Lines
      32. Liquifty filter
      33. Load Selection
      34. Load Swatches
      35. Loading Brushes
      36. Loading Gradients
      37. Loading Patterns
      38. Lock all
      39. Lock Transparency
      40. Lossless compression
      41. Lossy compression
      42. Luminosity blend mode
      43. LZW compression
    11. M
      1. Magic Eraser tool
      2. Magic Extractor
      3. Magic Selection Brush
      4. Magic Wand tool
      5. Magnetic Lasso tool
      6. Magnifying pictures
      7. Map View
      8. Marquee tools
      9. Masks
      10. Match Location
      11. Match Zoom
      12. Maximize mode
      13. Maximum filter
      14. Media types, Photo Browser
      15. Median filter
      16. Memory
      17. Menu bar
      18. Merge Down
      19. Merge Layers
      20. Merge Linked
      21. Merge Visible
      22. Metadata palette
      23. Mezzotint filter
      24. Minimize mode
      25. Minimum filter
      26. Missing Profile version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
      27. Missing Profile version 4.0, 5.0
      28. Modify Magic Selections
      29. Modify range of Hue sliders
      30. Modify selections
      31. Mosaic filter
      32. Motion Blur filter
      33. Move tool
      34. Move tool – Rotate handle
      35. Multiply blending mode
      36. Multi-page documents
      37. Multi-Page PDF to PSD
      38. Multi-select photos
    12. N
      1. Navigator
      2. Nearest Neighbor interpolation
      3. Neon Glow filter
      4. New command
      5. New Layer button
      6. New Brush
      7. New Window
      8. Normal blending mode
      9. Note Paper filter
    13. O
      1. Ocean Ripple filter
      2. Offline storage of files
      3. Offset filter
      4. Omni Lighting Effects
      5. One Photo Per Page
      6. Online Help
      7. Online Backup
      8. Opacity
      9. Open
      10. Open As
      11. Open File for Editing
      12. Open Recently Edited File
      13. Optimization, web
      14. Options bar
      15. Order Prints pane
      16. Order Prints pane – adding contacts
      17. Order Prints pane – reviewing an order
      18. Order Prints
      19. Organize Bin
      20. Organize Open Files
      21. Output Levels
      22. Overlay blending mode
      23. Organizer workspace
    14. PQ
      1. Page Setup
      2. Paint Bucket tool
      3. Paint Daubs filter
      4. Painting tools
      5. Palette Bin
      6. Palette Knife filter
      7. Palette Well
      8. Palettes
      9. Panoramas, creating
      10. Paragraph text
      11. Paste command
      12. Paste Into Selection
      13. Patchwork filter
      14. Pattern, Fill Layers
      15. Pattern Stamp tool
      16. PDF find
      17. PDF format
      18. PDF Open in PDF Reader
      19. PDF Slide Show
      20. PDF tagging
      21. PDF viewing
      22. Pen prssure
      23. Pencil tool
      24. Perceptual rendering intent
      25. Perspective, changing
      26. Photo Album pages
      27. Photo Bin
      28. Photo Browser
      29. Photo Compare
      30. Photo Creation format (.PSE)
      31. Photo Creations projects
      32. Photo Downloader
      33. Photo Downloader – advanced options
      34. Photo Downloader – Automatic Download
      35. Photo Downloader – Automatically Suggest Photo Stacks
      36. Photo Downloader – custom grouping
      37. Photo Downloader – duplicates
      38. Photo Downloader – metadata
      39. Photo Downloader – version conflict
      40. Photo Downloader – video preview
      41. Photo E-mail
      42. Photo filter
      43. Photo Galleries
      44. Photo Layout
      45. Photo Layout – e-mailing
      46. Photo Layout – add pages
      47. Photo Layout – exporting
      48. Photo Layout – creating
      49. Photo Layout – printing
      50. Photo Review
      51. Photocopy filter
      52. Photomerge
      53. Photoshop format (PSD)
      54. Picture Package
      55. Pin Light blending mode
      56. Pinch filter
      57. Pixel dimensions
      58. Pixel matching searches
      59. Pixels
      60. Place
      61. Plaster filter
      62. Plug-ins
      63. Plastic Wrap filter
      64. Pointers
      65. Points, type size
      66. Polygonal Lasso tool
      67. Pointillize filter
      68. Pop-up palettes
      69. Poster Edges filter
      70. Posterize adjustment layer
      71. Posterize filter
      72. Preferences, Editor
      73. Preferences, Organize & Share
      74. Premiere Elements
      75. Preserve Transparency
      76. Preset Manager
      77. Print Multiple Photos
      78. Print Space
      79. Printing, the basics
      80. Process Multiple Files
      81. Progressive JPEG
      82. Properties pane
      83. Prints, individual
      84. Purge
      85. Quick Fix Editor
    15. R
      1. Radial Blur filter
      2. Radial Gradient tool
      3. Rasterizing
      4. RAW file editor
      5. RAW files
      6. Read Watermark
      7. Recipes
      8. Reconnect
      9. Reconstruct tool, Liquify filter
      10. Rectangular Marquee
      11. Redo
      12. Red Eye Brush
      13. Red Eye Removal – automatic
      14. Red Eye Removal Tool
      15. Red Eye Removal – via selection
      16. Reduce JPEG Artifacts
      17. Reduce Noise filter
      18. Reflected Gradient tool
      19. Reflection tool, Liquify filter
      20. Relative Colorimetric rendering intent
      21. Remove Color
      22. Remove Profile
      23. Rename a layer
      24. Rename Multiple Files
      25. Replace Color
      26. Resample Image
      27. Reselect
      28. Reset All Tools
      29. Reset Tool
      30. Reset All Warning Dialogs
      31. Resolution
      32. Resolution option
      33. Restore Preferences
      34. Reticulation filter
      35. Reveal All
      36. Reveal in Explorer
      37. Revert to Saved
      38. RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
      39. Rotate
      40. Rotate Handle
      41. Rough Pastels filter
      42. Roundness
      43. Rulers
    16. S
      1. Sample Size, Eyedropper tool
      2. Saturation
      3. Saturation blend mode
      4. Saturation rendering intent
      5. Save
      6. Save As
      7. Save As prompt
      8. Save for Web
      9. Save Selection
      10. Save Swatches
      11. Scale
      12. Scale proportionately
      13. Scatter option, Brush tool
      14. Scratch disks
      15. Screen blending mode
      16. Select All command
      17. Selection Brush
      18. Selections
      19. Send Backward
      20. Send slide show to Premiere Elements
      21. Send to Back
      22. Send to TV
      23. Services pop-up
      24. Set as Desktop Wallpaper
      25. Shadows/Highlights
      26. Shape tools
      27. Share Online
      28. Sharpen, Quick Fix
      29. Sharpen filters (versions 1–4)
      30. Sharpen options (version 5.0)
      31. Sharpen tool
      32. Shear filter
      33. Shortcuts bar
      34. Simplify Layer
      35. Similar, select
      36. Skew
      37. Slide Show – Add Audio
      38. Slide Show – Add Graphics
      39. Slide Show – Add Text
      40. Slide Show – auto editing
      41. Slide Show – More Editing
      42. Slide Show – Output Options
      43. Slide Show – Pan and Zoom
      44. Slide Show – Preferences
      45. Slide Show – Quick Reorder
      46. Slide Shows (ver. 4, 5)
      47. Slide shows (ver. 3, 2)
      48. Smart Blur filter
      49. Smart Objects
      50. Smooth
      51. Smudge Stick filter
      52. Smudge tool
      53. Soft Light blend mode
      54. Softening selection edges
      55. Solarize filter
      56. Solid Color fill layer
      57. Spatter filter
      58. Specular highlights
      59. Spherize filter
      60. SPI, samples per inch
      61. Sponge tool
      62. Spot Healing Brush
      63. Spotlight, Lighting Effects
      64. Sprayed Strokes filter
      65. Stack
      66. Stacks – Expand or Collapse view
      67. Stained Glass filter
      68. Stamp filter
      69. Start From Scratch
      70. Standard Editor/ Full Edit workspace
      71. Status bar
      72. Straighten and Crop Image
      73. Straighten Image
      74. Straighten Tool
      75. Stroke Selection
      76. Style Settings
      77. Styles and Effects palette
      78. Sumi-e filter
      79. Swatches palette
    17. T
      1. Tags
      2. Tags pane
      3. Text
      4. Texture Fill filter
      5. Texturizer filter
      6. Themes
      7. 3D Transform filter
      8. Threshold filter
      9. Tiff
      10. Tile
      11. Tile Windows Automatically
      12. Tiles filter
      13. Tolerance setting
      14. Toolbox
      15. Tool Tips
      16. Torn Edges filter
      17. Trace Contour filter
      18. Transformations
      19. Transparency option, GIF and PNG
      20. Twirl filter
      21. Twirl tool
      22. Type
      23. Type editing
      24. Type Masks
    18. U
      1. Underlining type
      2. Underpainting filter
      3. Undo command
      4. Undo History palette
      5. Ungroup command
      6. Unsharp Mask filter
    19. V
      1. Vanishing Point tool
      2. Variations command
      3. VCD with Menu
      4. Vector graphics
      5. Version Set
      6. Version Set – Convert to Individual Files
      7. Version Set – Remove Items from Version Set
      8. Version Set – viewing
      9. Vertical straightening
      10. Vertical Type tool
      11. View by Folder Location
      12. View Photos in Full Screen
      13. View, Quick Fix
      14. Vivid Light blend mode
    20. W
      1. Wall Calendar
      2. Warp Text command
      3. Warp tool
      4. Watch Folders
      5. Water Paper filter
      6. Watermarks
      7. Watermarks, DIY
      8. Watercolor filter
      9. Wave filter
      10. Web Photo Gallery
      11. Web Safe Colors
      12. Welcome window
      13. WIA support
      14. Wind filter
      15. Windows XP Media Center support
      16. WYSIWYG font preview
    21. XYZ
      1. ZigZag filter
      2. Zoom In/ Zoom Out
      3. Zoom tool

Product information

  • Title: Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 A-Z
  • Author(s): Philip Andrews
  • Release date: January 2007
  • Publisher(s): Focal Press
  • ISBN: 9781136103179