Shortcuts (PC) Images

ActionKeyboard shortcut

Navigate and view

Fit image on screen Ctrl + 0
View image at 100% (Actual Pixels) Alt + Ctrl + 0
Zoom tool (magnify) Ctrl + Spacebar + click image or Ctrl + +
Zoom tool (reduce) Alt + Spacebar + click image or Ctrl + ‾
Show/hide rulers Shift + Ctrl + R
Hide panels Tab key

File commands

Open Ctrl + O
Close Ctrl + W
Save Ctrl + S
Save As Ctrl + Shift + S
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y


Add to selection Hold Shift key and select again
Subtract from selection Hold Alt key and select again
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste into ...

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