Review questions
1 What’s the best format to use for creating fi les to view on Windows computers or to
share with other viewers with Windows computers?
2 Why shouldn’t you change any encoding parameters for fi les produced for iPods or
other devices?
3 Why should you add a universal counting leader to the beginning a fi le before writing
it to DV or analog tape?
4 What’s the easiest way to write a project to an analog tape format such as VHS?
5 What’s the easiest way to upload your movie to a website such as YouTube?
Review answers
1 Windows Media is the best format for Windows because it combines small fi le size
for easy transportability with high quality. ough virtually all computers can play
MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 fi les, the fi les are usually too large for easy transport. QuickTime
fi les may pose a problem because not all Windows computers support QuickTime, and
Adobe Flash Video fi les with an FLV extension require a standalone player such as the
Adobe Media Player, which not all computers have installed.
2 Devices have very specifi c playback requirements and if you change a fi le parameter
and deviate from these requirements, the fi le may not load or play on the target device.
3 You should add a Universal Counting Leader or simply a black video fi le to the start of
a project before writing it to tape to prevent the recording device from cutting off the
initial frames of the video fi le.
4 Connect a VHS recorder to your DV camcorder via composite or S-Video connectors
plus audio while writing your project to DV tape. Most DV camcorders will display
the recorded signal out the analog ports while recording, which you can record on the
VHS deck by clicking the record button on the deck.
5 Switch to Share view, and then click the Online button. Choose YouTube or My
Website, and then follow the instructions in Share view to render and upload your
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