adding submenus to, 242–245
burning, 257–259
creating auto-play, 232–233, 260
customizing menus for, 246–251
modifying Scene Marker buttons
for, 238–242
recording, 229
storage capacity of, 229
Dynamics eff ect, 187, 188
Edit Eff ects button, 189
Edit Original command, 301
Edit Transition command, 167
Edit workspace, 12–13
advanced, 98
storyboard-style, 10, 91
techniques, 82
in Timeline, 102–105
eff ects, 114–148
adjusting parameters for, 119
animating, 138–141
applying, 119, 125–126
applying to multiple clips,
141–142, 148
choosing, 125–126
copying, 141–142
deleting, 126
rendering, 123–125
types of, 116–118
Eff ects panel, 119
Eff ects Properties view, 119
Eff ects view, 13
encoding parameters, 281
Encore, 111
Entertainment templates, 13
eSATA technology, 37
event-based themes, 224
Export Frame dialog, 89
Export Settings dialog, 269, 271
Export to Tape options, 276
audio fi les, 280
le formats, 270
frames, 89, 277–280
to mobile phones/players,
movies, 14, 264–277
standalone video fi les, 268–271
to tape, 272–277
to YouTube, 265–267
disk space required for, 37
standard frame rate for, 88
system setup for, 37
Digital Video Device dialog, 41
Dip transitions, 164
disc burners, 226, 229, 230, 258
Disc button, 257
disc menus. See menus
Disc Menus workspace, 13–14, 228,
auto-play, 232–233
Blu-ray. See Blu-ray Discs
dual-layer, 230
format considerations, 229–230
display aspect ratio, 24. See also
aspect ratio
dissolves, 153
docking headers, 28–29, 75, 196
docking system, 28–29
documentaries, 131
documentation, 4. See also User
drop zones, 260
dual-layer discs, 230
DV AVI format, 270
DV camcorders
capturing video from, 36–37
connecting to computer, 36–37
connecting to TV set, 85–86
connecting VHS recorder to, 281
and device control, 41, 51
le format used by, 270
working with video from, 22
DV footage, 25
DV NTSC mode, 23
DV tape, 281
DVD burners, 226, 229, 230, 258
DVD formats, 229, 230
DVD lessons. See lessons
DVD players, 226, 228, 229, 230
DVD-R DL discs, 230
DVD-R format, 230
DVD-ROM drives, 229
DVD-RW discs, 230
DVD-Video format, 229
DVD+R DL discs, 230
DVD+R format, 230
DVD+RW discs, 230
DVDs, 229–260
adding audio clips to, 250–251
adding navigation menus to,
moving, 93–94
narrating, 185–186
perfecting, 119–129
reframing, 121–122
shortening, 113
splitting, 96–97, 105–107
superimposing titles over,
trimming, 76–78, 95–96,
104–105, 113
Color Properties dialog, 201, 207, 214
Comic Book theme, 219
comments, 111
compact discs, 229
compositing clips, 144–145
compression, 187, 189, 257, 259
computer requirements, 1–2
computer skills, 2–3
Content-based scene detection, 39
Contrast slider, 120
Copy command, 291, 302
corrective eff ects, 117
countdown video, 273
crawls, 209
Create Slideshow dialog, 290
Creative Zen, 271
credits, 209–211, 214
Cross Dissolve transitions, 137, 166
Ctrl+Shift+Z, 16
Ctrl+Z, 16
curative eff ects, 117, 148
Custom Shape tool, 295
cuts, 152
data transfer rate, 37
debugging device control issues,
default duration preferences, 26
defragmentation utility, 37
Deinterlace Video Footage option,
89, 278
Delay eff ect, 188
“Delay movie start” option, 276
Delete and Close Gap command,
Delete Empty Tracks command, 100
Detect Beats button, 183
device control, 40–42, 46, 51
Device Control preferences, 276
digital video. See also DV
converting analog video to, 46
device control issues, 41–42, 51

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