Review questions
1 What are the key diff erences between the Timeline and Sceneline?
2 What is an In point and what is an Out point, and what can you do with each?
3 What are two methods of shortening your video clips?
4 How does Adobe Premiere Elements combine video tracks at the same position on the
5 What are the most common uses of markers?
Review answers
1 Adobe Premiere Elements off ers two views in the My Project Panel, Sceneline and
Timeline.  e Sceneline shows each clip as a separate thumbnail, without regard
to duration, and doesn’t show all available video tracks.  e Timeline graphically
represents your movie project as video and audio clips arranged in vertically stacked
tracks, with clip duration represented by the length.  ere are many common activities
that you can perform in both views, including arranging clips, trimming frames from
the beginning or end of a clip, splitting and deleting clips, and adding titles and eff ects.
Many producers use both views in the course of a project: for example, adding and
sequencing content in the Sceneline, then switching over to the Timeline to add
background music, titles, and other clips. Once you start working with multiple video
clips at the same location, the Timeline becomes the superior view.
2 e In point is the fi rst frame of your clip as seen in the Sceneline or Timeline, and the
Out point is the last frame. Both the In and Out points can be moved to create a shorter
or longer clip.
3 You can shorten your clips by trimming their In points and Out points, or by splitting
the clip and deleted unwanted portions.
4 Adobe Premiere Elements renders the tracks from the top down. Any opaque areas
of the clip in the Video 2 track will cover the view on the clip in the Video 1 track.
Conversely, the clip in the Video 1 track will show through any transparent areas of the
clip in the Video 2 track, or if you reduce the Opacity of the clip in the Video 2 track.
5 Clip markers are used to specify points in a clip that you’ll later use in editing, such as
a specifi c occurrence. For example, if a dolphin jumped and splashed the crowd, you
might want to add a sound eff ect at that location. Timeline markers are used to specify
points in the project where you want to add project elements, such as titles.

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