5 Right -click Rockshow.avi and choose Time Stretch.
Adobe Premiere Elements opens the Time Stretch
panel. Note that the speed should have increased
to 112.86, which is precisely the correction needed
to make Rockshow.avi the same duration as
Gina_guitar.avi. In most instances, you would click
Maintain Audio Pitch to maintain the pitch of the
clip, but since Rockshow.avi has no audio, this isn’t
necessary in this case.
6 Save your project as Lesson06_videomerge.prel.
Exploring on your own
Congratulations! Now you understand how to apply video settings, change eff ects
and settings, copy eff ects from one clip to another, create an image pan, animate an
eff ect with keyframes, create a Picture-in-Picture eff ect, and composite one video
over another with Videomerge. Here are some eff ects that you can experiment with
on your own.
1 Create a PiP eff ect using two or more clips on the same screen.
2 Experiment with alternative eff ects such as Adjust > Brightness & Contrast,
or Distort > Bend. To get a sense of the diff erent eff ects available in Adobe
Premiere Elements, choose Help > Premiere Elements Help, or press F1 to
access the Help guide. Listed in the Applying Eff ects section is a gallery of video
eff ects.
3 Experiment with the various eff ects presets located in the Eff ects panel,
specifi cally, the Horizontal and Vertical image pans.

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