148 LESSON 6 Working with Effects
Review questions
1 What are curative eff ects and when should you apply them?
2 What is the quickest way to apply identical eff ects and settings to multiple clips?
3 What are fi xed eff ects, and what is their purpose?
4 What is a keyframe and what does it contain?
5 How do you modify keyframes once they have been added to a clip?
Review answers
1 Curative eff ects are eff ects that improve one or more aspects of a clip, such as
exposure, backlighting, or excessive shakiness. You should apply curative eff ects to a
clip before applying artistic and other eff ects.
2 After selecting the clip that contains the eff ect or eff ects that you wish to copy, click
an eff ect to select it in the Properties panel, or Shift-click to select multiple eff ects.
Copy your selection by choosing Edit > Copy. en select the clip to which you wish to
transfer the eff ects and choose Edit > Paste.
3 Fixed eff ects are the Property parameters that every clip in Adobe Premiere Elements
has enabled by default. ese eff ects are Motion, Opacity, and Volume. Within the
Motion eff ect, Scale, Position, Rotation, and Anchor Point are all properties that can
be adjusted to create, for example, a PiP eff ect.
4 A keyframe contains the values for all the controls in the eff ect and applies those values
to the clip at the specifi c time.
5 Once keyframes have been added to a clip, they can be adjusted by clicking and
dragging them along the connector line. If there are two keyframes, moving one
keyframe farther away from the other extends the duration of the eff ect; moving a
keyframe closer to another keyframe shortens the eff ect.
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