14 Use the Selection tool to select the black rectangle, and adjust its width to the
new text length by dragging the right-center anchor point to the left.
15 Use the same procedure to add the title Afternoon Fun at the third marker,
which should be at about 00;01;25;24, and then adjust the size of the rectangle.
16 Following the procedure discussed earlier in the “Creating Fade In and Fade Out
eff ects” section of this lesson, fade each title in and out.
17 Review your movie, and then save your project.
Creating a rolling credit
e titles you have created to this point have been static, but Adobe Premiere
Elements can create animated titles as well.  ere are two types of animated
titles: rolls and crawls. A rolling credit is defi ned as text that moves vertically up
the screen, like the end credits of a movie. A crawl is defi ned as text that moves
horizontally across the screen, like a news ticker. In this exercise you will create a
rolling credit at the end of the project.
1 Press Page Down on your keyboard repeatedly until the current-time indicator
moves to the end of the last clip on the Video 2 track, which should be
2 Choose Title > New Title > Default Roll. Adobe Premiere Elements switches to
title-editing mode and inserts a new Rolling title.
3 Using the Type tool, select the text Main Title at the top of the Monitor panel,
and then type e End.
210 LESSON 9 Titles and Credits
4 Right-click the title text box, and choose Position > Horizontal Center.
5 Click the other text box, and press Ctrl+A on your keyboard to select all text.
en type Starring: and press Enter to move to the next line. On the next line,
type Gina, press Enter, type Peter, press Enter, type Mommy, press Enter, type
Daddy, and press Enter once more.
6 Press Enter to move to the next line, then type Filmed by:. Press Enter, type
Daddy, press Enter twice, type Produced by:, press Enter, and type Mommy.
7 To center the text, click the Center Text button (
) under Text Options in
Properties view.
8 Right-click the text box and choose Position > Horizontal Center from the
context menu.
9 Choose Title > Roll/Crawl Options.
10 In the Roll/Crawl Options dialog, make sure Roll is selected for Title type, and
that both Start Off Screen and End Off Screen options are also selected. Finally,
make sure that Preroll, Ease-In, Ease-Out, and Postroll values are all set to 0.
Click OK to close the dialog.
Note: The Roll/
Crawls Options
command is also
accessible from the
Monitor panel menu.

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