228 LESSON 11 Creating Menus
Getting started
To begin, you’ll launch Adobe Premiere Elements, open the Lesson11 project, and
review a fi nal version of that project.
1 Before you begin, make sure that you have correctly copied the Lesson11 folder
from the DVD in the back of this book onto your computer’s hard disk. See
“Copying the Classroom in a Book fi les” in the Getting Started section at the
beginning of this book.
2 Launch Adobe Premiere Elements.
3 In the Welcome screen, click the Open Project button and then click Open in
the pop-up menu. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to the Lesson11 folder,
select the fi le Lesson11_End.prel, and then click Open. If a dialog appears asking
for the location of rendered fi les, click the Skip All Previews button.
A fi nished version of the project fi le you will create in this lesson opens with the
Monitor, Tasks, and My Project panels open. You may review it now or at any
point during the lesson to get a sense of what your project should look like.
4 Select Disc Menus in the Tasks panel to switch to the Disc Menus workspace.
In the Disc Layout panel, click Preview to open the Preview Disc window.
e Preview Disc window allows you to view and test your menus as they will
appear when played on a DVD or Blu-ray player.
5 In the Preview Disc window, click the Scenes button in the main menu to switch
to the Scene Selection menu. Click the Dolphins button to begin playing this

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