Chapter 14

Dazzling with Titles and Graphics


Bullet Understanding the Essential Graphics feature

Bullet Identifying people, places, and things

Bullet Breaking down different onscreen graphics

Bullet Using Speech to Text

In the early, silent days of cinema, title cards were essential for communicating the onscreen action. Even when sound arrived and the movies began to talk, words still filled the screen with information, like credits, graphics, lower thirds (the title in the bottom of the frame that names the person speaking), and, of course, more titles. So, when it comes to making your movie, adding words can enhance the storytelling aspect by informing the audience about everything, from setting up the scene, to providing cues throughout the entire movie, and of course, the opening and closing credits.

Premiere Pro offers fantastic graphic capability when it comes to creating titles and motion graphics that spice up your edit. Not convinced? Try watching a movie without any titles. You may inevitably draw the conclusion that there’s some unfinished business going on. Conversely, when you ...

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