
IN THIS ERA OF THE CAREER NOMAD, you won’t be in just one job for life. Every few years you’ll look to make a move, whether inside or outside your company. The 90-Day Career Diet takes you through the essential steps to land that next job. This three-month plan will help you recharge professionally and adopt new lifelong habits.



When undertaking any major change, you need to start by assessing where you are now. For dieters who want to get healthier that means body mass index (BMI), cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Careers, too, have their own health statistics, which come together in your CMI—Career Momentum Index. Here are a few questions to consider for measuring your CMI:

ARE YOU ENGAGED IN YOUR CURRENT JOB? Do you wake up every morning ready to go, or do you hit the snooze button–literally and figuratively?

DOES YOUR BOSS RECOGNIZE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS? When was the last time your boss acknowledged what you do? How well did you do on your last performance review—have you even had one in the last 12 months?

ARE YOU CONSIDERED INDISPENSABLE? Are you the go-to person for your boss and the team, who does whatever it takes to get things done?

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE PROMOTED? Two years ago? Five years ago? ...

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